Cayuse Blog

Cloud Storage Simplified

Written by Cayuse | Feb 1, 2024 5:34:52 PM

The term ‘cloud computing’ is a booming industry that has become increasingly prevalent over the last decade. Providing virtual storage and backup solutions to businesses globally, it also adds a level of security via disaster recovery benefits. Additionally, in today’s remote workforce, the cloud offers a virtual environment that can be accessed from wherever your staff is working, without restriction to the day or time.  

Cloud storage is flexible in its abilities – as a business grows, so can its use of cloud options. There are many contenders invested in the cloud storage space. The current forerunners are Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon AWS. 

The Cloud's Purpose

Imagine the cloud as a virtual space where data is stored and accessed, applications are running, and various computing tasks are performed over the internet. Instead of relying solely on your computer's hard drive or local servers, the cloud offers scalable and flexible computing resources that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.  

The cloud creates a remote storage environment that is accessible 24/7/365. It frees businesses from the physical encumbrances of IT – investment in servers, hardware, and storage space as well as the ongoing overhead of a technical workforce. It is attractive to businesses for reasons beyond the physicality of equipment and software, for example: 

  • Accessibility: Cloud storage provides access to files and data from anywhere with an internet connection. It makes collaborating and remote work easier for employees, which can increase productivity and efficiency. 
  • Reduced IT burden: By relying on virtual storage, owners and executives can reduce their IT infrastructure and equipment burden and focus on other aspects of the business. 
  • Scalability: Businesses can easily scale their storage needs up or down as their business grows or changes.  
  • Disaster recovery: Cloud storage providers often have backup and disaster recovery systems in place so that data can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster or system failure. 
  • Improved performance: Cloud providers often use specialized hardware and software to optimize performance and speed, resulting in faster access to data and improved system performance. 
  • Up-to-date equipment: Cloud storage providers are responsible for maintaining and upgrading their infrastructure to keep up with the latest technology and security standards. This means that businesses can benefit from the latest hardware and software advancements without having to invest in upgrades themselves. 
  • Compliance: Cloud platforms are subject to stringent regulatory requirements and standards, particularly in industries such as healthcare, finance, and government. By enlisting a partner that adheres to these standards, businesses can avoid costly fines and legal issues that arise from non-compliance. 
  • Security: Advanced security measures are utilized by cloud providers to protect data from cyber threats and data breaches. This gives businesses peace of mind knowing that their data is safe and secure.  
  • Predictable costs: With cloud storage, businesses can enjoy predictable costs since the pricing is typically based on a subscription model. This makes it easier to budget and plan for storage needs and avoid unexpected expenses. 

Google, Microsoft, and Amazon offer cloud computing platforms. Although they contain similar services and features, there are key differences that define each of them. 


Hosting nearly half of the worldly market, Amazon Web Services offers over 200 services and is the most mature and robust cloud provider to date. Leading in capacity and service, it is favored by large corporations, individual developers, and government entities. AWS offers a broad set of services for computing, storage, databases, machine learning, and more. 

Benefits of AWS include: 

  1. Flexibility and Scalability: AWS offers a wide range of services and resources that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes. 
  2. Global Infrastructure: With data centers located worldwide, AWS provides low-latency and high-performance infrastructure for applications and services.  
  3. Experience: AWS was launched in 2006, making it the oldest and most seasoned of the cloud platforms. Over the years, it has evolved into a mature, reliable, and secure platform that is trusted by millions of customers worldwide. 
  4. Innovations: AWS is a forerunner in new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and metrics and analytics. Users can take advantage of the latest technologies to drive innovation and improve their businesses. 

Limitations of AWS: 

  1. Cost Management: While AWS offers a wide range of services and pricing options, managing costs can be challenging, especially for businesses with fluctuating workloads or complex infrastructure requirements. 
  2. Learning Curve: AWS has a steep learning curve, particularly for users who are new to cloud computing. Navigating the vast array of services and understanding best practices for security and optimization may require significant time or enlisting the partnership of a managed services entity.  
  3. Vendor Lock-In: Businesses that rely heavily on AWS services may face vendor lock-in, making it difficult and costly to migrate to alternative cloud providers or on-premises infrastructure in the future.  


The second largest within the three main cloud platforms, Microsoft’s Azure is considered the fastest growing cloud service. Because it tailors to (yet isn’t limited within) the Microsoft umbrella of programing, Azure has proven to be a popular choice for businesses already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem. This offers users an enterprise of possibility within their current services, alongside the opportunity to create new applications. 

Benefits of Azure include: 

  1. Integration with Microsoft Products: Azure seamlessly integrates with Microsoft's suite of products, making it an attractive choice for businesses already using Microsoft services. 
  2. Hybrid Capabilities: Azure supports hybrid cloud scenarios, allowing organizations to seamlessly integrate their on-premises infrastructure with the cloud. 
  3. Security and Compliance: Azure provides robust security features and compliance certifications, making sure that data is protected and meets regulatory requirements. 

Some of Azure’s limitations are: 

  1. Complex Pricing Structure: Azure's pricing structure can be complex to navigate, with various factors such as resource usage, region, and service tiers affecting costs. This complexity can make it challenging for businesses to estimate and manage their cloud expenses effectively. 
  2. Integration Challenges: While Azure seamlessly integrates with Microsoft's ecosystem of products and services, businesses using non-Microsoft technologies may encounter integration challenges and compatibility issues. 
  3. Regional Availability: Azure's regional availability may be limited compared to AWS, particularly in certain geographical regions, which could impact latency and performance for users in those areas.


Google Cloud Platform, or GCP, is Google's cloud computing service that provides a wide range of tools and services for building or managing applications and data storage. Although it has a lower number of data centers compared to its rivals, GCP is well-regarded for its high-performance global network infrastructure. Its expertise in network optimization along with the ability to support a multitude of applications makes it a preferred choice for many. Sharing the same structure as Google Search and YouTube, GCP streamlines well between multiple venues, and given the variety of Google’s other services, this allows for easy integration and collaboration. 

Some of the key features of GCP are: 

  1. Data Analytics: GCP offers powerful tools for analyzing large sets of data, helping businesses derive valuable insights to make informed decisions. 
  2. Machine Learning: With Google's expertise in AI, GCP provides robust machine learning capabilities, enabling developers to build intelligent applications. 
  3. Scalability: GCP's infrastructure is designed to scale seamlessly, allowing businesses to adapt to changing demands without compromising performance.

Some of the limitations of GCP include: 

  1. Service Maturity: While Google has made significant strides in expanding its cloud services portfolio, some offerings may still lack depth and maturity compared to competitors like AWS and Azure. 
  2. Market Share: Google Cloud Platform trails behind AWS and Azure in terms of market share and adoption rates, which may impact the availability of third-party integrations and community support. 
  3. Enterprise Focus: GCP's target audience has traditionally been developers and startups, and its enterprise-focused features may not be as robust or comprehensive as those offered by Azure or AWS. However, its pay-per-use pricing model makes it a cost-effective option for businesses that don’t need the extensive range of services provided by AWS or Azure.  

Overall, GCP is an excellent choice for businesses that prioritize scalability, reliability, security, and open-source integration. 

There is Help in the Clouds

Ultimately, the choice between these three platforms depends on the specific needs of your business, the services you require, and the technical expertise of your team. Security, usability, and convenience are often at the forefront of the list of characteristics that are considered as businesses determine the best cloud fit.  

Because of the intricacies involved in onboarding, monitoring, and effectively utilizing the service, partnering with a managed services provider is helpful in enlisting best practices for your company. Companies like Cayuse have experts at-the-ready to assist in analyzing, determining, and implementing a solid cloud computing system for your business, saving you time, money, and resources.  

An example that showcases a situation in which Cayuse assisted in implementing a cloud-based solution can be found in our case study ‘World-Changing Technology Powered by the Cloud’. 

In addition to the talent that stems from a team of tenured professionals, Cayuse is a diversity supplier. We bring a partnership of integrity and opportunity, providing businesses with the benefits associated with minority-owned credentials.

Evolutionary Storage

Starting as a simple way to store and share documents, cloud storage continues to provide businesses with a secure, cost-effective approach that stretches far beyond its original simplicity. It is supportive, flexible, and constantly updating in its abilities and offerings. Ultimately, choosing the right cloud provider involves striking a balance between features, costs, and compatibility with existing infrastructure and business needs. 

Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services offer unparalleled capabilities for businesses seeking to leverage cloud computing. It is essential to recognize and understand the functions and limitations of each platform. By carefully evaluating factors such as service maturity, pricing structure, and regional availability, organizations can make informed decisions that align with their unique requirements and objectives. 

Consider reaching to the clouds for your business data storage and interconnectivity. Remember, partner resources are available to help you determine, initiate, and maintain the best approach for your needs and goals.