Cayuse Blog

Workplace Inclusivity: Facilitating Career Growth for Women

Written by Cayuse | May 9, 2024 3:30:00 PM

In recent years, corporate America has witnessed a remarkable shift in the dynamics of diversity, with a particular focus on the invaluable contributions of women. As organizations worldwide recognize the importance of inclusivity, the topic of gender diversity is trending, sparking conversations about the changes in women's roles and the profound impact they make.  

Despite the strides achieved in recent years, the stark reality is that the representation of women in various sectors is failing to advance at a pace that mirrors their increasing aspirations, contributions, and abilities. Although challenges persist, the contributions that women offer continue to justify the non-ceasing motivation that propels them forward. 

One significant influence of this newfound ambition is the increased emphasis on workplace flexibility. Organizations are offering support by recognizing the importance of work-life balance, remote work options, adjustable schedules, and family-friendly policies. This allows women to pursue ambitious career goals while accommodating personal responsibilities, creating a more sustainable and supportive work environment. 

Another avenue of organizational improvement is increased enlistment of apprenticeship programs in guiding the female college students of today. Armed with education, experience, and a determination to break barriers, women are reaching for leadership positions, entrepreneurship, and executive roles with unprecedented stamina. 

Room for Improvement

The inclusion of women in leadership positions has had a profound impact on organizational culture. Research consistently shows that diverse teams enhance creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Women bring unique perspectives and approaches to decision-making, encouraging a more collaborative and dynamic work environment. As companies prioritize diversity and inclusion, they are reaping the benefits of a richer, more adaptive corporate culture. 

Women today are more determined than ever, challenging stereotypes and societal expectations that may have once constrained their career goals and their spirit. However, despite this encouraging motivation, the path to gender equality in the workplace has been marked by hard-fought gains. Women have overcome systemic barriers, bias, and stereotypes regarding their capabilities and value in professional realms.  

Lean In is an organization whose mission is to ‘help women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world’. Since 2015, they have conducted a comprehensive study of the representation of women in corporate America. Their 2023 report describes their findings as ‘both encouraging and frustrating’. They have found that the percentage of woman in senior leadership positions has increased at a slow pace, going from 17% to 28% over the last eight years. The study reports that ‘these hard-earned gains are encouraging but fragile. Progress is slower for women at the manager and director levels, creating a weak middle in the pipeline and impacting the majority of women in corporate America’.  

Persistent gender biases, lack of mentorship opportunities, and unequal access to career advancement resources contribute to the barriers that hinder women from fully achieving their aspirations. Recognizing and addressing these hurdles is crucial for fostering an environment where ambition translates into tangible progress. 

Mentoring Through Apprenticeships

A notable improvement is the emphasis on mentorship and empowerment programs for women in the workplace. College students turn into budding professionals through organizational exposure and guidance. Successful businesswomen are taking on mentorship roles, guiding the next generation and providing valuable insights into navigating professional challenges. This creates a supportive network and an educational opportunity for both. 

Bridging this gap in inclusivity, the Cayuse Apprenticeship Program is designed to help college students of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation (CTUIR) attain a degree and work towards their career goals. Apprentices gain work experience through a part-time job at Cayuse, receive financial support for college, and work with professional mentors on a guided career path.  

Erica Alvarez has spent the last year in the Cayuse program. With professional goals that center around her major in Business Administration and minor in Digital Marketing, she joined the Cayuse Commercial Services Business Development (BD) Team as the Marketing Apprentice.  

Guided by the BD team, she participated in marketing necessities such as blog writing, posting on social media, and creating email sequences. Erica was an active part of the weekly team meetings where trends, strategies, and corporate information were discussed.  

Going a step further, Erica was also able to participate in quarterly meetings and strategy presentations involving Sales, Management, Delivery, and Leadership. She explains that she was pleasantly surprised to experience both team-based and company-wide collaborations. “Going over the annual review and budget and seeing it from our side has been good. In my classes, we do simulations with marketing, and this broadens my eyes to see that this is similar to those. Seeing the analytics and how the company is overall, definitely ties into the big picture.” 

Erica spearheaded a month-long marketing campaign with her chosen focus of Cayuse as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), the Tribes, and the local community. She partnered with the BD team to create weekly social media posts and themed blogs.  

Between her college coursework and time with her Cayuse team, Erica has gained confidence in collaboration. Where she used to be timid, and often too shy to speak up, she reflects; “I had the confidence within myself to write something - to post something on social media without second guessing.”  

Erica feels that the apprenticeship program truly helped her gain the comfort and belief in herself to use the knowledge that she has gained. “I learned to have a voice. I can contribute and I can add something to the team. Even the mentors that I’ve known have definitely noticed the growth in me.” 

The Female Component

Throughout her experience, Erica was supported by the women on the BD team who helped guide and teach her within both the marketing realm and professional growth overall. From her mentor to her team supervisor, to her colleagues, she saw the value in her female cohorts. “I can see the growth in everyone in how long they’ve been here. I can see their expertise. Each has their specialty and takes charge. I look up to that. I observe everyone on the team and take note of their experience within their area of focus. I listen to their questions and consider tasks from various perspectives.” 

Janelle Quaempts-Gibson, Cayuse Commercial Services’ (CCS) Managing Director and Erica’s mentor explains “Being Erica’s mentor has helped me learn more about our apprenticeship program to better advocate about entry into our workforce with the community. Working alongside Erica’s Business Development Supervisor has also helped me bridge communication and work cohesively across CCS teams. It’s been amazing to witness her journey and growth at Cayuse over the last year+.”  

Erica expresses: “Janelle inspired me to be more confident and assertive. She encouraged and motivated me to stand up for myself. Being a female mentor, I could relate to her experiences in the workplace. The BD team has also inspired me to maintain a work-life balance. The apprenticeship program taught me about strength and encouragement. The support of these women made my journey a success.” 

Transforming Roles

In order to bridge the gap between ability and representation, there is a growing need for advocacy and support. Companies and individuals alike must actively promote diversity, equality, and inclusivity in the workplace. This involves implementing policies that facilitate career growth for women. Fostering mentorship and apprenticeship programs creates a culture that values diverse perspectives and contributions. 

Janelle explains “It’s essential to continue encouragement and advocacy for women in our field of work! Understanding how complex and technical our industry can be, diversity in all aspects helps promote new ways of thinking and solutions – qualities to value and appreciate in any workforce.”  

Erica reflects on her marketing apprenticeship as a defining chapter. She sees her growth beyond the student who stepped nervously into the corporate world. She is a marketing professional, armed with practical knowledge, resilience, and a passion for creating meaningful connections through strategic campaigns. Her diligent contributions to her Cayuse team surpassed simulations, demanding professional thought and execution. They reached live audiences and had real-world results.  

Cayuse Commercial Services appreciates the value of diversity in the workplace. The indelible mark that Erica has left on the people and the brand is clear. The company as a whole has truly benefited from the contributions of our apprentices.  


 Check out our video to learn more about Erica's apprenticeship experience!